Project Details

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Project Description

Supplying of gas treating chemicals and corrosion inhibitors to Ophir Energy at Luwe Hulu.

The Challenge in the transportation

Road condition is the biggest challenge as Luwe Hulu is located in the center of Kalimantan Island where road condition is bad and weather is playing a big part in delivery transit time. We have to cross urban area,


  1. Create a journey management plan.
  2. Create Job Safety Analyst.
  3. Socialize JSA & MSDS with the locals and transporters.
  4. Booking LCT vessel in advanced to cross the shallow river.
  5. If rain, stop operation and rest.
  6. Create a vessel stowage plan.
  7. Coordinate with the lifting of the chemicals.

The Final Output

Even though the terrain is a big challenge to us, with our dedicated team, we are able to deliver

  • On-time delivery
  • Customers’ satisfaction.
  • Quality and Value to the Projects We Deliver
  • Highest Standards in Cost Control