Acid gas removal atau juga dikenal dengan gas sweetening atau penghilang gas asam. Proses penghilang gas asam ini menggunakan berbagai macam kimia untuk menghilangkan hidrogen sulfida (HS2) dan karbon dioksida (CO2) dari gas. Berikut produk gas sweeting kami :
UCARSOL is an MDEA-based solvent that is specially formulated for our customers. Every gas has different characteristics. Our team will work with you to analyser your feed gas profile as well as your sale gas requirement to come up with a customised solution. We also provide laboratory analysis including lean amine analysis, heat amine stable salts (HSAS) analysis, metal scan, and many more.
If you are facing severe corrosion due to H2S or you wish to fulfil a slow H2S sale gas requirement, our H2S Scavengers will be your best solution.
Our high purity MDEA is widely used in Oil & Gas for acid gas removal. Being our customers also allow you to access our laboratory analysis capability.
Gas Treating Chemicals digunakan dalam proses pengeringan gas Proses Pengeringan Gas Alam yang diproduksi dari reservoir.
Gas tersebut harus dipisahakn dari kandungan air sebelum dijual atau dikirim ke konsumen. Tujuan dari proses ini adalah untuk :
Mencegah terjadinya hydrate dalam pipa transmisi.
Mencegah korosi
Mencegah terjadinya pembekuan pada proses pendinginan.
We are a leading supplier of MEG to Oil & Gas industry. MEG HP is fibre-grade-based, and thus has the highest purity possible in the industry. In addition, MEG HP is specially processed to remove particles to achieve NAS Class 6 cleanliness. This prevents premature wear on subsea equipment.
FlowSure MEG is MEG-based dessicant that has lower viscosity than pure MEG. This allows greater flow assurance, especially in subsea application at extreme temperature. FlowSure MEG is also NAS Class 6 capable.
NORKOOLTM Desitherm is a TEG-based dessicant that is specially created to offer more stable pH, reduce glycol degradation and higher salt solubility. These advantages prevent dehydrator shutdown and reduce chemical make-up.
Our high purity TEG is widely used in Oil & Gas for gas dehydration.
Our high purity methanol is widely used in Oil & Gas for gas dehydration.